How to Learn Photography the Right Way
In recent times Photography has rapidly become one of the most popular forms of art. This is mainly a result of the fact that almost everyone can now access a camera or a device that comes with a camera, and also highly advanced editing software that is very easy to use. This is also one of the reasons why this is the easiest and most exciting time to start a career as a photographer.
A lot of people are joining the new generation of amateur photographers which is greater than ever before. Although there are a lot of ways to learn and develop your photography skills, you will have to find one that will suit your personality and learning style best.
Learning any form of creative arts can prove to be very challenging particularly for people’s ideals and their budgets. However, in this modern age, people can now easily learn and develop their photography skills with online creative courses. This online platform is tailored to suit each individual’s needs and preferences. And it will help you increase the rate of your development as a photographer.

Methods of Learning
Mainly there are three various ways that you can learn a new skill or develop existing skills. But some people might decide to use two or more of these methods together to learn whatever they want. Here are the three main methods of learning a new skill in photography services.
Visual – A visual method of learning often involves using visual representations like images, maps, and diagrams to learn a new skill. There are also various forms of videos like “How to “tutorials and so on. Other examples of the visual method of learning photography include reading books and online blogs.
Auditory – This method involves using sound to learn about photography. This may include listening to lectures or audio presentations. It can also involve listening to talk shows, audiobooks, and podcasts. All of these are great ways to learn a new skill.
Kinesthetic – This is the method of learning that involves doing various activities. This means a hands-on method where you get to try the things you are learning out immediately you discover how they work. This can be done by being present at various practical workshops.
How to Learn Photography
Get a University or College Degree
Although this is not a new way of learning photography, it is still a great one. This is why a lot of people prefer going to a college or university to get a degree or diploma in photography. These institutions often provide access to a wide range of photographic styles in a coordinated environment from highly experienced tutors and experts in the photography industry. Most times, these institutions also provide access to a state-of-the-art studio with the latest software, lighting equipment, cameras, and accessories.
Another amazing advantage of learning in a school environment is that it allows for group learning. With this, you can develop various social connections and skills that can help you in the industry later in the future.
One of the main disadvantages of learning photography in a school is that it is expensive. The extent of the cost depends on your location and can have a cost ranging from tens of thousands to more. Also, you will have to invest a lot of your time which might be a little bit challenging if you have other responsibilities or obligations like a family to support.
Another factor to consider in all this is the location of the college or university you intend to study. If the school is located at a far distance, you might have to consider travel and relocation expenses as well.
Online Creative Courses
With the rapid growth of the internet, there have been more methods of learning that are being introduced as well. One of the most common methods of learning is the Online Creative Courses which enable you to learn various skills like photography at your own pace. However, it is important that you look for courses that were tutored by professionals you respect and understand their method of teaching. This will make it easier for you to enjoy the courses and relate to the teacher. These online creative courses often include videos and transcripts for better learning and understanding.
Apprenticeship or Internship or Mentorship
This is one of the oldest methods of learning a new skill but it is now often overlooked in recent times. This method often involves looking for an expert in the industry or a famous company where you can shadow their working tactics and learn about their profession. You can look for a professional you admire and ask him to teach you how to be a photographer or you can look for a company where you can get a paid or free internship job for a time to learn about photography services.
Attending various practical workshops is another great way to learn about photography. Workshops are a little similar to colleges due to the fact that they also provide a conducive environment for learning and group learning opportunities. Workshops are also a great way to develop your skills further if you already know something about photography. One great advantage of workshops is that you get to specify which area of photography you wish to learn or improve and the photographers you want to learn from. Workshops are also a great way to develop social connections and networks that will be relevant to your career.

So if you are looking for any help on how to learn photography or how to improve your photography skills, I will be happy to help you. Practice makes perfect. And to achieve great results, the experience is still the best teacher. Go out and shoot your favorite subject. Find the best angle and perspective. And apply what you learn in photography with your chosen method as mentioned above. Photography is a long journey of discovering and learning.
Most people are sending me a private message on my Facebook fan page if they have questions regarding photography. And I encourage you to do the same. It will be my honor to help you on this amazing journey of yours. Lastly, make sure to put your camera in your heart and not in your bag. Cheers!