Take a shot: AirBnB CEO and Real Estate Photographers in time of COVID-19
Photography during the “new normal” is still a thing, despite the ongoing pandemic.
[su_quote]“Tourism as we knew it is over.” These are the words of Airbnb CEO Brian Chesky in his interview with the Entrepreneur. “It took us 12 years to build Airbnb, and we lost everything in four to six weeks”, he added. This issue has inadvertently affected real estate photographers.[/su_quote]
Real estate photographers are important to improve marketing for real estate business owners. They are a key factor in almost any economy that can be marketed. The tourism economy has been greatly affected by the pandemic as quarantine measures were implemented worldwide. This now creates a domino effect that affects most, if not all, economies, not excluding photography in general.
This sad news shared by the Airbnb CEO and the things that are happening right now, people would not second guess themselves about staying home and following quarantine measures – afflicting damage to both Airbnb and real estate photography economies.
But looking at another light, this is a great opportunity for photographers to hone and study more about photography. And as quarantine measures are being loosened, it is to be expected that tourism also enters this new normal and this new normal will bring new things to us.
Photography in the “New Normal”
The concept of new normal brings fear to us as we do not like uncertainties, and while we are in difficult times, there is more to enjoy rather than diving into uncertainties. As photographers, we know that capturing a picture is an artform weaved by different elements. It really is inspiring how indoor photography flourished from simple indoor DIYs to different food photographs being a hit during this pandemic. Hence bringing us to the idea that photography is not just boxed on what it is now, but more on what we can do now and what to expect in the future.
New elements are to be expected as new normal emerges. Here, photographers will enjoy the element of space – because of social distancing – and how it interplays with other elements for your composition.
The Future of Real Estate Photographers and Airbnb Listings
With that in mind, real estate photography has really taken a toll during this pandemic, majorly attributing to the “golden rule” of quarantine – stay at home. As Airbnb CEO Brian Chesky said, it was like raiding a building, only to see it fall. Aside from staying at home, economies have been down, with more shops closing due to bankruptcy.
Looking at this side, Real Estate Photography has entered a dark era. However, on the other side, there are some good things worth celebrating. Some of those include honing your skills and studying more about compositions and photography. While quarantine measurements start to loosen and travel bans are now lifted, people will crave for their lost vacation and predictably, a rise in Airbnb listings might happen.
This is a very good opportunity for Real Estate Photographers as a need for business boosters and advertisements will definitely increase in the coming months. Although in the “new normal”, people will still flock to Airbnb listings as they would want to feel the “before pandemic” nostalgia.
Take a Shot
With this sad news from the Airbnb CEO and looking forward to the future, there is still hope in real estate photography as businesses will seek for advertising their products, and who will be the expert in Airbnb listing advertisement rather than Real Estate photographers, right?
Don’t be afraid to take a shot. Focus that lens on what positive this could bring, without discrediting the negatives that we had, and try to picture that moment in your life. This will be our reality now – a life after COVID-19, a life that COVID-19 forever changed, and what’s better than conquering these hurdles.
We cannot tell the future, but I guarantee that you can make it worthwhile, one shot at a time.
For those who are thinking of going to Real Estate Photography or those who are interested, here are some starters that I have for you: Real Estate Photography: What is it? and The Importance of Photography to Airbnb Listings in the Philippines.